Saturday, July 27, 2024

Stacking the Shelves #298

Stacking the Shelves is a weekly feature hosted by Reading Reality. It is a chance to showcase all the goodies you've collected throughout the week, whether they're bought on-line or in-store, an ARC or a final copy, borrowed from a friend or the library, physical or digital, etc

Library Treasures

NetGalley ARCs

Happy Reading


  1. Ooooh...! INTERESTED to see what you think of 'France on Trial'. Still unpurchased here...

    Only ONE non-fiction for me this week... But I am *thinking* of visiting my fave Indie bookshop at the end of next week if the weather holds.

    'Leadership in War - Lessons From Those Who Made History' by Andrew Roberts.

    1. Not quite sure when I will get to it, hopefully this week. There's only a week and a half left of summer for me until meetings start *crying in a very not cool way*

    2. Kids only just recently 'broke up' here. Back the 1st week of September.

    3. Eleanor starts back on August 8th. I do not know my exact start date, but it will be that week. I refuse to check my email until August 1st. If they want me to do that during the summer, they can pay me.

  2. A good looking haul. The Netgalley arcs caught my attention!

    Have a great weekend!

    Emily @ Budget Tales Book Blog
    My post:

    1. Blonde was okay. I haven't started the other one yet, it is book two in its series.

  3. My library was closed all week for water main repairs. I have 5 books out from the library, I finally started one this morning. I am hoping to get through a few more before they have to go back. Have a great weekend!

    1. Oh no! That would make me so sad. A couple times over the years the AC has broken at our favorite branch when it gets so hot. So far so good for this summer though. Happy reading!

  4. The cover for Wilderness Reform caught my eye and I looked it up, it looks intriguing but scary haha I hope you enjoy it!

  5. I keep seeing France on Trial in the shop and being really curious -- it's not my usual thing, but sometimes it's nice to just follow these whims. Hope you enjoy these new books!

    My STS/Sunday Post.

    1. It occurred to me recently that, even though I have read so many books about the Holocaust and WWII, I don't know what happend to Petain or anyone in the Vichy government after the war. I hope to start it this week!

  6. Ooh Wilderness Reform! I have to know your reaction to that one!

    1. I loved it!! Way more than Old Country. Not sure when I will get the review up because I am still trying to focus on ARCs, but I really liked it and couldn't put it down. I am also loving that YA I told you about, What the Woods Took; it feels similar here at the start, but I don't know that they will have much in common beyond the theme of 'wilderness therapy'.

    2. Yay! I, unfortunately, hated it hahaha. So rare for us to have different reactions.

    3. I know, it's so weird. I think we've only ever had this happen maaaaybe twice before?


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