Thursday, June 6, 2024

First Line Friday #184

First Line Friday is a weekly feature and simple to do - grab the book nearest you and post the first line. Carrie hosts this over on her blog Reading is my Superpower.

We have written here about terrible things that we never wanted to think about again. But out story is not about rape and chains, lies and misery. That was Ariel Castro's world. Our story is about overcoming all that.

Happy Reading!


  1. "I have always enjoyed winter so much more than summer, so it's perhaps no surprise I was drawn to Iceland. I'd rather put on my biggest, warmest coat and go out for a stroll in that silent new world of a fresh snowfall than battle with insects, sun creams and sandwiches that actually include sand."

    Iceland Defrosted by Edward Hancox

    1. YES!! I am from Minnesota and love love love winter SO MUCH. I love summer for the time and adventures Eleanor and I get, but I hate literally everything else about it. I hate the smell of sunscreen, I hate bugs, I hate seeing ugly feet in sandals, I hate how crowded everything. UGH.

    2. Obviously as I read those lines (in the book) I laughed and immediately thought of you! I'm more of a Spring & Autumn person but I do LOVE walking in fresh snow. Can't beat that feeling. Summer always used to be a problem for me as I don't like the heat - especially with humidity, strong light gives me headaches and I used to get *terrible* hay fever (fortunately even with the present elevated levels I only get itchy eyes and the odd sniffle these days).

    3. I do love Fall also, because it means hoodie weather and I live in hoodies as long as possible every year. In truth the heat doesn't bother me so much as the humidity. I hate feeling like I am swimming through the air because it is so heavy and gross. My allergies used to be much worse, so at least that has changed as I have gotten older. Itchy eyes are THE. WORST. Especially when eye drops don't help.

  2. Happy Saturday!
    I'm currently reading Her Part to Play by Jenny Erlingsson. So far, I am enjoying it a lot!
    "Adanne swallowed the lump in her throat and turned toward the mirror. The fluorescent bulbs highlighted the worry in her eyes that no amount of makeup could hide."
    I hope you are having a great weekend filled with lots of relaxing reading time. 😊❤️📚


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