Tuesday, July 4, 2023

Happy 4th of July!



  1. LOL - Oh, we're *very* happy to see you go. But think on this... If you'd stayed you'd have Universal Health care and a half decent State education system.

    1. Oh please, you SO miss us! lol. Universal healthcare would be a dream...but how can we ever accomplish something so difficult...that the rest of the developed world has already figured out?! Don't even get me started on the state of educaton right now. I am disgusted with decision-makers who have not been in classrooms for YEARS, making stpid decisions that directly impact my own child, and my kiddos I am trying to get caught up.

  2. Three cheers for treason and armed rebellion against tyranny! ;-)

    1. And for (many) slave-owning mediocre white men who didn't want to pay their taxes! ;-)


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