Saturday, January 18, 2025

Nora Reads | Best Books of 2024

Of course we couldn't let the year go by without Nora sharing all her favorite reads of 2024. In no particular order, here are all the books my mighty book dragon rated five stars last year. For an entire series that she loves, I have only posted the first book.

Happy Reading!
Nora And Sarah


  1. How are you with modern Teen Culture? I'm SO, SO happy that I don't have to deal with it! [grin]

  2. Nora has really good taste! I read Heartstoppers this past year and can't wait to read more. I asked my daughter what her favorite book of the year was last year and all I got was "Definitely not Dracula."

    1. lol, poor girl! Nora plowed through the entire Heartstoppers series in a matter of days.

  3. I need to read Heartstopper. I love the TV show.

    1. I haven't read it yet but Nora plowed through the entire series in a matter of days, so that's a pretty good ec I think!


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