Saturday, February 1, 2025

Stacking the Shelves #320

Stacking the Shelves is a weekly feature hosted by Reading Reality. It is a chance to showcase all the goodies you've collected throughout the week, whether they're bought on-line or in-store, an ARC or a final copy, borrowed from a friend or the library, physical or digital, etc.

Library Treasures

NetGalley ARCs

Pub Gift via NetGalley

Happy Reading


  1. Slayers looks like fun! Hope you enjoy the haul. :D

    1. I'm looking forward to it. Anything to help with the current shit-show here.

    2. Hopefully you see this comment Nicky - The last few times I have tried to comment on your blog, it says there's an internal server error. But I have no issues commenting on others' blogs. It's so weird. But please know I am reading your posts even if I can't comment right now for some reason!

  2. Ooh the Paul Revere book looks interesting. Sicily too...

    1. I'm intrigued by it, because in school we learned he was the one who warned everyone, but then when I started reading about it on my own, I found out he was one of many riders, and was arrested early in the night. Plus I want to know if the author discusses Sybil Ludington. In the blurb the author refers to a woman who was also a rider, but Sybil was only 16, so I'm not sure if it will talk about her at all.

      I've been reading some Mafia stuff lately, so Sicily is on my mind big-time.

  3. Zippo from me this week.... *Might* pick up the odd one or two next week.... and then the first trip of the year to the Indie Bookshop........ [grin] You might want to brace yourself for that............

  4. I hope you enjoy all of these. Have a great week!

  5. Nice haul. Hope you enjoy your books.


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