Friday, August 7, 2020

Tackling the TBR Week 29: Aug 1 - Aug 7, 2020

My TBR has been out of control for YEARS. Then in January of 2019 I started tracking weekly my true reading/acquiring habits, and voila! I have been able to keep on top of things a little bit better. I may never get below 1,000 books, but at least I won't be topping out over 5,000! When a book cover is linked, it goes to the review here on my blog.

I will be posting on the 7th, 14th, 21st, and the last day of the month. Feel free to join in if you'd like!

If a book is linked in the 'Books Read' section, you can click the cover to go to my review.


Previous Week's TBR Total: 3,123

Currently Reading

51542229 The Lost Pianos of Siberia 49128496 45046797

42283773 45046716  52756711. sx318 sy475 53084465. sx318 sy47545700342 44157765. sy4754026583251352065


Books Added to TBR

48648641. sy475 40265832 40640521. sy475 43982449 43726555. sy475 51934838

Books Removed from TBR: 0 

Books Read

6033525. sy475 45732946 48648641. sy475 36236137 Enchanted New York: A Walk Along Broadway Through Manhattan's Magical Past 51934838

Books DNF-ed: 0

Duplicates Removed: 0

New TBR Total: 3,125

My numbers increased this week, but I don't even mind. It is due to the slew of books I was directed to that were free from Cambridge University Press through July 12th. So many great and important reads, and a couple even on my TBR already.

Any of these catch your eye? Have you already read any? Let me know!

Happy Reading!



  1. Deadly Waters sounds good. I like that someone is feeding them to alligators... :)

    1. It was SO. GOOD. I loved it. Like, LOOOOOOOOOOOVED it. I think you'd dig it too.


Thanks for visiting my little book nook. I love talking books so leave a comment and let's chat!