Friday, January 21, 2022

Tackling the TBR Week 3: Jan 15 - Jan 21, 2022


I am now in year FOUR of Tackling the TBR. Slowly but surely I have made big strides in getting my TBR under control. When I first started in 2019, that list was topping out at over 5,000 books. I don't know that I will ever get below 500, but a #BookDragon can dream!

I will be posting on the 7th, 14th, 21st, and the last day of the month. Feel free to join in if you'd like!

Previous Week's TBR Total: 2,522

Currently Reading

Books Added to TBR: 0

Books Removed from TBR: 0

Books Reads

Books DNF-ed: 0

Duplicates Removed: 0

New TBR Total: 2,522

Happy Reading!


  1. Some interesting ones there. I would like to read "A History of Egypt" and have had my eye on "Invincible Louisa" for a while.

    1. They've fallen by the wayside lately, as I have needed to devour some mindless brainless thrillers for the last month, but I hope to get back to them soon.

    2. I seem to be in a rut, just can't read that much. A nasty cold hasn't helped but that wasn't the only reason. Well, there will be times again where we can read more interesting stuff again.

    3. I am kind of hitting a wall right now too. Since Jackie passed, I have been devouring YA/adult thrillers because they are quick and mindless reads. Now I think my brain is craving something more substantial again, so back to my non-fiction I go!


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