Tuesday, November 1, 2022

State of the ARC #50


State of the ARC is a monthly feature hosted by Evelina at Avalinah's Books - and now me, too! I took over temporary hosting duties back in early 2020. A couple months ago Evelina asked if I would like to co-host and of course I said yes! If you are new to the meme, you can check out the guidelines HERE.

Links go to my review. The majority of the ARCs I receive are through NetGalley. I sometimes find a book or two via Edelweiss or BookSirens. Others have come from authors, publicists, or were offered to me from a publisher who specifically approved me for it on NetGalley; I will always note in the review how I acquired the ARC.

Currently Reading
Essex Dogs - Sept, 2022
Keeper of the Queen's Jewels - Oct, 2022

Gun Barons - May, 2022 (NetGalley)
Skirts - Sept, 2022 (NetGalley)
The Women of Rothschild - Oct, 2022 (NetGalley)
Egypt's Golden Couple - Nov, 2022 (Publicist via NetGalley)
The Tudors in Love - Dec, 2022 (NetGalley)
The Blackhouse - Jan, 2023 (NetGalley)
A Few Days Full of Trouble - Jan, 2023 (Publicist via NetGalley)
Glow in the Fucking Dark - Feb, 2023 (Publicist via NetGalley)

Finished, Review to Come
Sweating in the Land of Smiles - July 2021 (Author Gift)
The Other Dr Gilmer - Mar, 2022 (NetGalley)
Spare Parts - May, 2022 (NetGalley)
The Ruins - July, 2022 (Publicist Gift via NetGalley)
True Crime Stories - Aug, 2022 (BookSirens)
Womb Raiders - Sept, 2022 (BookSirens)
American Demon - Sept, 2022 (NetGalley)
Nothing but the Night - Sept, 2022 (NetGalley)
Pretty Dead Queens - Oct, 2022 (NetGalley)

Review or Feedback Sent
None because the last two months have been crazy and I have done ZERO reviews.

When I first started blogging my monthly State of the ARC I felt like I was drowning in ARCs. My main goal was to get my NetGalley feedback ratio above 80% and thanks to this meme, I slowly but surely clawed my way up. At my highest I was at 97%. I am currently at 93%.

How are you doing with your ARC goals? Let's talk ARCs!

Happy Reading


  1. I have a ton of NG ARCs to go through as well. Hope you read faster than I can.

    1. I am in such a slump right now that even though I have tons of interesting ARCs...I want nothing to do with almost any of them.

  2. Essex Dogs! And The Tudors In Love hmm...

    Ooh the Ruins. Should I read it???

    1. It's okay, and I think you will like it even though you will get as pissed at all the adults as I was. I still like Madam way more.


Thanks for visiting my little book nook. I love talking books so leave a comment and let's chat!