I have taken this directly from Evelina's page dedicated to the meme, with her permission of course - and altered bits and pieces. Evelina is the creator and owner, I am temporarily hosting because I love it and missed it while she was on hiatus.
I am mainly reposting this because there has been some confusion and people thinking she is hosting once again. It has not helped that I have been sending people to her blog to find out what the meme is all about, but then posting the actual monthly write-ups here. Again, I am only the temp host, this is totally her baby; I just want to help out a blogger who I admire and who helped me so much.
Now, onto the gist of what this meme is all about...

State of the ARC is a monthly meme temporarily hosted by Sarah at All The Book Blog Names Are Taken meant to motivate you to finish up your long overdue ARCs (Advanced or Early Reader Copies). This is its original intention, while some bloggers have tweaked it a bit for their own purposes, such as just keeping ARCs in order by due dates. Or you can just be a hot mess like me who sometimes misses publishing dates (or ignores them altogether) and needs a way to stay organized on what has been read, reviewed, or is still begging for attention.
You can track your progress however works for you. Evelina used graphs and graphics, an example of which you can view HERE if you wish. You can find my previous State of the ARCs HERE.
Link your post up with mine at the end of the month, and see how others have done with their ARCs also.
You can track your progress however works for you. Evelina used graphs and graphics, an example of which you can view HERE if you wish. You can find my previous State of the ARCs HERE.
Link your post up with mine at the end of the month, and see how others have done with their ARCs also.
These can be any ARCs you acquire. Include ARCs from NetGalley, Edelweiss, publisher/author gifts, giveaway wins, etc. Any book is eligible as long as it is an ARC.
Rules of State of the ARC:
- Mention in your post that you are linking up with State of the ARC @ All The Book Blog Names Are Taken, which is a fun way to share our ARC progress, challenges, wins, woes, and mishaps.
- Include the link to my current State of the ARC post. Evelina has given permission to use her image in your posts.
- Don't forget to visit all the other bloggers participating in the link-up, and comment.
- And most importantly - have fun!
If you have any other questions that I have not covered here, feel free to ask away. I would love to build this back up again, because it was such a comforting thing to be apart of, and I met fellow bloggers who were struggling just like I was. It is helpful to have a community within a community, so we can encourage one another.
If you have questions, ask away!
Happy Reading
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