I received a free digital ARC from the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.
Rating ⭐⭐⭐⭐
Such a fun little gem of a book and I think it would be of interest not only for those who love all things Tudor, but for those with an interest in the history of fashion.
I requested this one just based on the title, so I did not know at the time that it was also a how-to guide for those wanting to make their own Tudor clothing.
The author is also a re-enactor of the medieval and Tudor periods, so her knowledge is vast and incredibly helpful for those wanting to get a start in doing the same. Authenticity is so important, so it's easy to see why guides like this would be very helpful.
The author also makes sure to include ALL who lived in the period, not just royalty, so there are a variety of choices. Obviously there were far more ordinary, every-day people - who were not allowed to wear any colors or cloth but the most basic garments. Sumptuary laws dictated what each class could wear and there could be heavy fines for anyone dressing above their station.
Something I also appreciated was that the author explained the history of clothing From Henry VII to Elizabeth I and how it evolved in such a short time. No one can ever accuse Henry VIII or Elizabeth I of being shy and their clothing certainly reflected their inflated opinions of themselves.
The author divided the pieces by women, men, and children. She descrobes each piece that would have been worn, the order they had to be put on, and how pieces evolved. I also liked that she included photos from the period as examples. Then there are the step-by-step guide for how to make the garments. I have never sewn a day in my life outside of school, but still found it really interesting. My daughter loves fashion and designing clothing so I think she would love this as well (she's 11), to see how clothing has changed over the centuries.
Highly recommended.
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