Tuesday, June 4, 2019

Summer Reading Has Started!

On Saturday Eleanor and I went to our favorite branch to attend the reading program's summer kick-off party and it was so much fun. Not to brag or anything, but we are seriously lucky with the amazing system we have, and the wonderful librarians who have become our friends.

Side Story: When I was pregnant with Eleanor and was living in a new city with no friends, all I did was hang out at the library on Saturday mornings and peruse the collection. I would often walk out with bags of books on each visit, because all I did at home was read - and sleep. So, here is this hugely pregnant woman, carrying around forty books at a time, it was memorable. But luckily, this also means that so many librarians at our fave branch have known Eleanor since she was a fetus, so they didn't think twice when, at two, she was running away from story time and playing in the stacks - and they helped me corral her too.

Back to the summer program...

I have decided this year I am not going to set a goal for myself for the program. Shocking, I know. But I am already more than well on my way to hugely surpassing my Goodreads goal: I have currently read 207 books this year, and my goal was 250. Goodreads tells me I am 102 books ahead of schedule, so that's nice.

So, the focus this summer is Eleanor and the many books she finds as she wanders the stacks, just like her momma. Kids have to read ten hours (we've already done this, shocking) to earn prizes.

The kick-off parties though, those are the best. At least, our branch was a lot of fun. The theme this year is 'Reading is a Blast', which is kind of ironic because Eleanor is super into space and planets right now, so the whole blasting-off-into-space thing is perfect. She found a bunch of space books the other day and is now drawing page after page of planets and the solar system, and writing them all down and learning to spell them. I love seeing her discover something new that she loves, and I hope she always has that curiosity, and the determination to seek out more information about the things that pique her interest.

Our branch goes all out every year, and the staff is excellent - and very specifically our children's librarians are A-MAY-ZING.

Activities this year were centered on kiddos being astronauts-in-training. They went around to different stations to 'train' - getting their height checked, crawling through tunnels, testing their balance, and of course 'refueling' with lemonade and cookies. There was also a scavenger hunt throughout the main floor where the kiddos had to find ALL the planets - even Pluto! - and the moon. Kids also got the chance to plant flowers in the garden outside, so Eleanor chose a beautiful pink flower that we will get to see every time we go back. Lots of fun was had and this summer is going to be another one filled with books and camps and adventures. We wouldn't have it any other way.


Happy Reading!


  1. That library sounds SO cool. I'm actually envious I'm not a child any more - I just behave like one occasionally because I can!

    1. It is pretty cool. There are I think 12 libraries altogether in the Omaha Public Library system, and then the surrounding suburbs also have their own libraries separate from OPL. The children's team is especially strong at our favorite branch, and we always look forward to summer and being able to go to story times again during the week.

      ...I too behave like a child sometimes, because I also can! Not to mention, I am an only child, so I was enabled pretty early on to be pretty ridiculous when necessary, lol

    2. I always think (and say out loud) that I don't have an *inner* child. In many ways I have simply refused to 'grow up'. I mean, where's the fun in that!

    3. Exactly...what's life without the fun and carefree attitude of a child? I mean, obviously I still go to work and do the grown-up things I am supposed to do, but you can darn well bet Eleanor and I have plenty of fun being silly.

  2. That's a fun program! We just do magic shows, animal shows, science shows, that sort of thing. Lots of puppet shows and craft programs.

    1. The kick-off parties are always fun. They do lots of programming throughout the summer like you mentioned, and a pretty even amount of activities geared toward each age group so there is something for everyone. There are also tons of 'out and about' story times, that meet at various locations around the city.

  3. Sounds like my idea of paradise. And it looks like you got Eleanor off to a good start!

  4. I wish there had been more stuff like this when I was a kid! I used to haunt the library during our summer holidays!

    1. Right?? I don't remember anything like this. I am so thankful we have such a fantastic system that gets kids excited about reading.


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