Saturday, December 14, 2019

Stacking the Shelves #73

Stacking the Shelves is a weekly feature co-hosted by Tynga's Reviews and Reading Reality. It is a chance to showcase all the goodies you've collected throughout the week, whether they're bought on-line or in-store, an ARC or a final copy, borrowed from a friend or the library, physical or digital, etc.

Amazon/Kindle Unlimited/Prime
39863463. sy475 4195447623287193
44281311. sy475 91636043704294. sy475

Library Treasures
32603496. sy475 30962055299393951579256831848301645275829289363273221797810823281749515404529475

What did you add to your stash this week?

Happy Reading!


  1. "The Sniper in the Tower" looks interesting.

    As predicted - nothing from me. Unlikely to have anything to report here until the New Year.

    1. I thought it would be too, because that mass shooting is one that is so often forgotten once the era of Columbine was ushered in. I ended up being extremely frustrated by the author though, who got in the way of the story and made too many guesses. And focused endlessly on how beautiful so and so was, and it was so sad they were murdered because they were soooo beautiful *eye roll*

    2. Eye Roll indeed.... Shame that.....

    3. Yeah, it was pretty stupid. I so wanted that book to be good!

  2. The Obama books look so refreshing given our current dystopia. :)

    1. Not going to lie, I finished We Are the Change We Seek last night as the impeachment vote was rolling in. And I fucking bawled like a baby through so many of the speeches, because they were just as powerful reading them now s they were hearing them originally. Fantastic collection.

  3. I agree with Greg on the Obama books. I only took in two books this week. One from the library: the next Ian Fleming book Diamonds Are Forever. I don't know what I was thinking but I signed up for another book subscription: translated novels from Archipelago Books, who will send me one a month. I got the first one this week: The Hills Reply by Tarjei Vesaas, an author I have read before and loved.

    1. How do you even find all these book subscriptions? What is an average cost? I am intrigued, but I already have a whole Christmas tree of books to read, lol

  4. This is a fab haul!!!

    My STS:

    1. Thank you Megan, I am happy to report that I have enjoyed most of the ones I have read so far. Thanks for coming by!

  5. Rescued from the Ashes sounds like one I'd read.
    I don't do non-fiction often anymore but when I did it was usually WWI/WWII or military history.

    1. hat's so the opposite of me, I used to be all about WWII and the Holocaust, I read everything I could get my hands on from the time I was in middle school on up. Once I was pregnant with my daughter though, I could no longer handle the trauma and cruelty and absolutely horrendous events that occurred. I am slowly testing the waters once again to see how I will do with books of this nature again, it is such an important history that we must keep pushing to the forefront so that younger generations know exactly what these monsters did.


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