Saturday, December 14, 2019

Tackling the TBR Week 46: Dec 8 - Dec 14, 2019

Basically, I have a huge TBR and often end up reading new books that are not even on my list, instead of trying to whittle down the list that continues to balloon on Goodreads. I am going to make a real effort to get those books read instead of always grabbing new ones and thus never making a dent in the physical and digital stacks I already have. It will also gives me a chance to take a good look at my list and see if there are ones I'm no longer interested in. I will be posting on the 7th, 14th, 21st, and the last day of the month.

Previous Week's TBR Total: 3,203

Currently Reading: 5

Books Added to TBR: 29

Books Removed from TBR: 14

Books Read: 4

Books DNF-ed: 2

Duplicates Removed: 0

New TBR Total: 3,213

 So this week was technically a failure, but I don't even care because there is one week of school left, then Christmas vacation, woohoo! Unfortunately for a big chunk of the beginning of vacation Eleanor will have to go to her dad's house, but I can pass the time reading and reviewing until we get to go home. PLUS, in addition to all the reading that will happen when we are in Minnesota, my mom said she is making the-whole-shebang Thanksgiving dinner, since Eleanor and I were stuck in stupid Nebraska because of the weather. (Though, our lasagna and green beans, and jammies and watching movies all day was so much fun.)

Happy Reading!


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks for the encouragement, I need it! I found some books I had deleted off my old Kindle that downloaded to my new one and I can't remember why I deleted them without reading them, so a whole slew was added back to my TBR for the coming week :'(

  2. Ooh Thanksgiving in december- sounds good! :)

  3. Enjoy your family feast / Thanksgiving part two!

    1. Thank you! I am so looking forward to this, Thanksgiving is my fave holiday!


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