Thursday, March 5, 2020

Books From The Backlog #36

Books from the Backlog, hosted by Carole's Random Life in Books, is a fun way to feature some of those neglected books sitting on your shelf unread.

I am featuring books in the order that they were added to my Goodreads To-Read shelf, so sometimes there will be a couple weeks in a row of books on the same topic.

Neglected Book of the Week
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Why did I add An Unfinished Life to my TBR?

Because even if it was all really a mirage, there's still something magical about Camelot.

Have you read this book, or is it somewhere on your TBR? If you've read it, would you recommend it to others?

Happy Reading!


  1. Hmmm...this sounds like an interesting book. I need to read more books about John F Kennedy.

    Here’s my Books from the Backlog!

    Ronyell @ Rabbit Ears Book Blog

    1. I have read so many books about him and his family. I don't think I will ever stop being interested in the Kennedys.

  2. Kennedy is fascinating for a whole host of reasons as is the era he moved through. This has popped up on my radar a few times and I might get around to reading it one day.

    1. I have had it sitting on my shelf for a while. I got it a couple years ago when The Durham had a Kennedy photo exhibit. Beautiful and terribly depressing, the exhibit was. As expected.

  3. I would give this one a try. He was killed exactly 10 years before I was born. I remember my parents talking about how they remember where they were when they learned of his death so I have always been curious about his life. I hope you enjoy this one.

    1. Yes! My mom had just turned three, but I have asked my grandma about it many times. It is hard for her to talk about, even all these years later.

  4. I have read it! I thought it was an excellent balanced biography.

    1. Good to know, thank you! Sometimes books on JFK go too far one way or the other, balance is necessary.


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