Friday, March 20, 2020

First Line Friday #99

First Line Friday is brought to you by Hoarding Books. Playing along is easy: open the book nearest you and share the first line. Then check out the link to see the other first lines posted this week.


"Reporting on Donald Trump's 'presidency'* has been a dizzying journey."

(*additional punctuation marks are mine because this idiot can not be taken seriously and we currently do not have a president, but an overgrown man-baby pouting because his idea of using a flu vaccine for the Coronavirus was immediately shot down and also because he is an idiot.)

Why, because he is a garbage human and a garbage 'president' and will go down as one of the worst presidents in the history of our great nation? Because he a liar, a conman, and is only really looking out for himself? Because the base that supports him so rabidly can't or won't admit they've been taken and that he in fact could not care less about them? It's exhausting just having to hear his stupid voice and see his stupid face when I choose to take in the news. I can't imagine having to deal with his bullshit day in and day out as part of my job.

EDIT: I put this post together last week, before things got really intense. It has been an exhausting week and I don't have the energy to update with all the additional stupid things trump has done since then. I am quite sure you have probably seen and/or heard of them already and there is no sense in me rehashing any more of his lies or stupid ideas.

Happy Reading!


  1. Happy Friday! I hope you and your family are all doing OK in this crazy time. God's got us all!
    Today on my blog, I'm sharing from The Gift of Forgiveness by Katherine Schwarzenegger Pratt: I'm currently reading Carolina Breeze by Denise Hunter. It is SO good. I'll share a line from there.
    "Levi was a genius."
    I hope you have an excellent weekend. Happy reading! 🙂❤️📖

    1. Thanks for coming by Nicole, hope your family is well also. Happy Reading!

  2. Happy Friday! My first line is from "The Jerusalem Assassin" by Joel C. Rosenberg:

    "They were coming, and he knew they were coming, and he knew why - they were coming to kill him and to kill the president and to kill anyone else who got in their way. They were coming to settle scores."

  3. big T is not "one of the worst presidents ever", but is beyond doubt THE worst executive to occupy the oval office!!! as well as being the sorriest excuse for a human being i've ever read or heard about...

    1. I agree on various levels. He is the most despicable human to occupy the White House in our modern era. he has no understanding of how our government or the world in general works because he is an idiot who can not comprehend even the most simplest pieces of information. But I would also argue that he is among the worst of THE worst, along with Jackson, Johnson, Hoover, Wilson, and Harding.

      A just think, four years ago I would have placed W among the worst of the worst.

  4. My husband tried reading this but found it just too depressing after a while. My younger daughter had been listening to the audio book during her daily commute, but she's working from home now so I suspect she's not listening anymore. As for me, I can barely even stand to read the daily news. The man and his lies are just too exhausting. Please, American voters, don't make this mistake again! Our country and the world won't survive it.

    1. It really is depressing, and INFURIATING. All these people clinging to power because they know that in a real actual administration they would never get within miles of the president. More than anything I was even more pissed off after I read it. It is exhausting, but I also feel like we especially can not let that exhaustion stop us from continuing to protest and fight, Our privilege allows us to, and it would be easy, but we can't because there are so many others who do not have that luxury and we must protect them.

  5. It is exhausting just getting him in small doses. Can you imagine working for the guy? I'd be fired within a day for turning off Fox News and telling him to read something. Ugh.

    1. I have only seen snippets of his pressers lately because I can't stand the sound or sight of him and his stupid face and stupid weird hand gestures and anything about his fat ugly orange self.

  6. Happy Friday! Today I'm sharing the first line from The Runaway Bride by Jody Hedlund: "Today she might meet the man she'd marry."

  7. Happy Friday! I'm sharing from my current read, Finding Peace in Wishing Bridge by Ruth Logan Herne. Here is the first line of chapter four:

    "Three new fairy houses found their way to Fairy Trail Lane the following week."

    Hope you stay healthy and have a great weekend!

  8. "Plagues frighten people. This is a very natural human reaction. Throughout history they have caused more death and terror than war or any other calamity. Plagues caused by the new or 'emerging' viruses are particularly frightening since there is often no cure or preventive vaccine."

    Virus X - Understanding the Real Threat of the New Pandemic Plagues by Frank Ryan

  9. I’m featuring Runaway Bride by Jody Hedlund
    Vancouver Island. September 18, 1862
    Today she might meet the man she’d marry.


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