Thursday, June 20, 2024

First Line Friday #186

First Line Friday is a weekly feature and simple to do - grab the book nearest you and post the first line. Carrie hosts this over on her blog Reading is my Superpower.

Around five-fifteen on a sunny spring evening, Aurora Marti dragged her green plastic lawn chair onto her neighbor Altagracia Tejeda's stone porch for a chat.

Happy Reading!


  1. "You know the old story about storks delivering babies? It's true. I can prove it with statistics."

    'How to Make the World Add Up - Ten Rules for Thinking Differently About Numbers' by Tim Harford.

    1. I'm about 1/3 of the way through. It's good. Its basically about the use & abuse of statistics and how we lowly mortals can make sense of them - with 10 handy guidelines.

  2. That's an intriguing first line; however, this is not a book that I would read based on the subject matter.

    1. It was absolutely a very tough read. I can't even imagine. So heartbreaking for all of them, but I felt such deep grief for Michelle especially. Everyone thought she just took off and abandoned her son, so he was adopted by a family and she's not able to get him back. I can't imagine making that decision, knowing it might be for the best that he stays with the family he's known for so long as his own. It would be like losing him all over again, going back to when he first went into foster care, then when she was abducted. I don't know if she has ever been able to see him since she was rescued.

      I hate that Castro was never held accountable for his crimes. Such a fucking monster.

  3. Happy Friday!
    I'm currently reading For a Lifetime by Gabrielle Meyer. It is SO good!
    "It wasn't quite midnight as I walked through the door of the stylish Hotel Victoria in the heart of the theater district with both excitement and trepidation."
    I hope you have an excellent weekend filled with relaxing reading time. 🙂❤️📚

  4. Sounds like an interesting first line. I am curious to know what they were going to chat about!

    Have a great weekend!

    Emily @ Budget Tales Book Blog
    My post:

    1. I wonder if they even remember, considering everything that happened next!


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