Wednesday, June 19, 2024

ARCs Update #3

So a couple days ago I did this thing, trying to get as many of my ARCs done while Eleanor has to be away with her father for a week.

I get to pick up my baby in a few minutes, YAY! This week has been so long and boring without her. But I read a lot to pass the time and it sort of worked.

Here's how it went:



Not Started

Some of the ones that are in-progress have been for a WHILE. It's kind of absurd.

All in all, not too shabby! I will get more done this coming weekend when Eleanor has to be gone again because our regular schedule resumes.

Happy Reading!


  1. You finished West Heart Kill!!!

    1. FINALLY, right?? You've been waiting on me for ages.

      I'm still mad about it, lol. I appreciated what the author was going for in the mixed styles of story-telling, but I feel cheated by the ending. Still rolling around with it in my mind to figure out where I will stand.

    2. I'm with you on that ending. Such a let down!

    3. YES!! Like...what are you even thinking?? I kept wondering what could possibly happen to divide people like you'd been talking about and then BOOM. Ugh. Everything else was decent and I liked how awful everyone was, because no one could really hide anything from the others, who they had known for so long. But, ugh. That ending.

    4. Very much in the same vein as "it was all a dream".

    5. That's the PERFECT way to describe it. A total waste and a cop-out. Ugh. I'm getting angrier, the more I think about it.

  2. As a "one book at a time" reader I am always amazed at you "multiple books at a time" readers. But if that's how you roll, more power to you!

    1. I am a mood reader, so I could never stick to one at a time. I can have lots of non-fiction going at a time, but no more than two, maaaaaybe three fiction. Otherwise I mix up plot and characters if it takes me more than one or two sittings to read it. I plow through fiction pretty quickly, so it is not usually an issue.


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