Monday, September 9, 2024

Monday Meme #57

I am reviving this little feature after eight years. You might see a couple recycled from when I did this in 2016, but they were funny then and they are still funny now. Occasionally they will be more introspective or comforting. No matter what, they will be about reading and books.

Just because I mostly read library books, it doesn't mean that I don't like book stores. I just manage to exhibit extreme shelf-control. Basically I do that by immediately checking if the library has it. If they don't, I request the purchase.

Happy Reading!


  1. I went to the Mall today to buy clothes... Which I did.... But I had to 'walk past' a bookstore to get there... So.....

    1. So I should expect the best/worst when you comment on my Stacking the Shelves today? lol

  2. This was me and my husband this weekend. We visited a coffee shop that just so happens to be next to an independent book store. I insisted we visit both haha


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