Sunday, January 21, 2024

Tackling the TBR | Week 3 | Jan 15 - Jan 21, 2024


Here we go!

This is year FIVE of Tackling the TBR and I finally have things sort-of under control. My ultimate goal is to get under 500 books, but I also have to be realistic - just think of all the books not even written yet that I will want to read. When I started this mess  I was at well over 5,000 books on the TBR, so to be where I am now is pretty incredible.

I will post on the 7th, 14th, 21st, and last day of the month.

Prevous Week's TBR Total: 2,135

Currently Reading

I'm posting all my ARCs in the hope it will shame me publicly so I stop getting books from the library and read these instead. Odds are 50/50 that it will actually work.

Books Read

Books DNFed: 0

Books Added to TBR:

Books Removed from TBR: 18

Duplicates Removed: 0

New TBR Total: 2,118

Happy Reading!


  1. The Girls of Summer is giving me vibes like that last Lucy Clarke book (or the second to last one I suppose) Soulless Girls yes please

    1. I started Girls of Summer so long ago that I will probably have to go back to the beginning. I am still so excited for Soulless Girls, but I love murdery boarding schools, so I hope it is all I want it to be.

    2. Yes murdery boarding schools are LIFE

    3. Right?? Nothing like a bunch of rich kids and the one charity kid trying to solve murders and not die in the process.

  2. I have a few by Max Adams. Obviously I haven't *read* any of them... But I do *have* them.....

    1. I've also read Alfred's Britain. I requested that my library purchase Land of Giants and King of the North. Fingers crossed that they will!

  3. I am certain that my tbr will never be under control. You made a lot of progress this week!

    1. I am really trying to make an intentional effort to comb through the TBR and remove books I am not interested in anymore. It takes some work, but I am so close to being under 2K already. I have also been cheating for a couple years and actually have a sub-TBR in the Notes app on my phone where I list books I want to read that CK has brought to my attention. But I feel like I need to stop that nonsense and actually put them on my TBR, and if I continue to cull the list, I will be able to feel less guilt about adding to it.

  4. This is such a great way to control how many books are coming in and being read from TBR pile. Knowing me, I would just push books farther and farther away from my sight as new books arrive! Hope you may conquer the TBR list!

    Yours truly,

    1. It has been SUCH a struggle! And I definitely hide the ones I already have in favor of new finds at the library, oooops. But my reading goals this year are focused almost entirely on my TBR and ARCs, so I am hoping to be a little more successful. Feel free to join any time you want. I post four times a month.


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