Wednesday, January 15, 2020

Tackling the TBR Weeks 1 and 2: Jan 1 - Jan 14, 2020

OOPS! Totally forgot to post my first Tackling the TBR of the year! So here we go, week one and two combined!

Last year a fellow blogger came up with the idea of this little challenge and I was excited to take part. My TBR was out of control and I was doing nothing to reign it in. But by really being attentive each week to what I was adding and reading, I was able get things under control. I was really proud of the numbers from last year and am excited to see what it will look like at the end of 2020. I may never get below 1,000 books, but at least I won't be topping out over 5,000!

I will be posting on the 7th, 14th, 21st, and the last day of the month.

Previous Week's TBR Total: 3,165

Currently Reading: 13

Books Added to TBR: 12

Books Removed from TBR: 10

Books Read: 7

Books DNF-ed: 2

Duplicates Removed: 0

New TBR Total: 3,159

Here's to the New Year, let's do this!

Happy Reading!


  1. This is an interesting way to keep track of what you've read from your TBR! I've been slowly making my way through all of my physical copies, and even searching out some of their audio versions when I'm short on time. It's help tremendously! Best of luck!

    Lindsi @ Do You Dog-ear? 💬

    1. Thank you! Another blogger started this last year and I thought it was a great way to track progress. Doesn't get more black and white than this, right? here is my year-end wrap-up from 2019 if you are interested:

  2. Replies
    1. I just have to remember to post the update, right? I can't believe I forgot the first one, lol


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