Friday, December 17, 2021

Because OF COURSE I Need Another Year-End Meme!


So thanks to Lisa @ LisaLovesLiterature I have a NEW MEME for the end of the year! Top Ten of 2021 is hosted by Kim @ Kimberlyfaye Reads. It looks like a lot of fun and I am hoping to do as many of the days as possible - when I'm not in a food coma from Mom making me all my favorite foods while Eleanor and I are home. Below you will find the theme or topic for each day and below that you will find the guidelines.

📚 Share on your blog, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, or Facebook - or anywhere else you might want to post - and declare your intentions to join us. It just takes a couple of minutes. Share the link or link back!

📚 Grab the banner - and topic list - and share it in your posts.

📚 Post your 10 favorites on each day (or only on the days that interest you) - they don't have to be published in 2021.

📚 Use #top10of2k21 on social media

📚 Don't want to write a blog post each day? Share your top 10 on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, TikTok, or YouTube! (Or, you know, all of the above!)

📚 If you're a bookstagrammer, take a photo or create a collage using a program like Canva to share your picks in your feed!

📚 Prefer to use your stories to share your picks? Download the story template!

📚 Have an awesome time looking back on some of your 2021 favorites and sharing them with your followers!

📚 Tell your friends...and have fun!

I think I better start prepping posts NOW...

Happy Reading!


  1. Replies
    1. Eleanor has just gone with her dad now for Christmas so I will help myself not mope for the next four days by queueing up the posts now!

  2. Ooh, I'm looking forward to reading your choices, Sarah. I'm also writing some Top 10 of 2021 posts, Anne @ Books of My Heart has created a similar meme. 😘

    1. Good to see you again Flora, thank you! I've tried unsuccessfully to comment on your blog a few times, and got a message that I need to request access? Hopefully I don't have any issues this time around!

  3. This sounds fun!!! I may have to join :)

  4. Sounds great. I know I won't have the time to participate but I'm sure you'll share enough for the both of us. Looking forward to it.

    1. I am getting started on it now after I make my rounds. Lots to do blog-wise in these last eight days of 2021!


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