Friday, December 31, 2021

Tackling the TBR Year-In-Review | 2021


I've now completed three years of Tackling the TBR, trying to get my list under control. Even though the gains were not nearly as massive as last year, I am still so incredibly happy with the progress made and can't believe that I am finally coming in under 3k books!

1-1-21: I started the year with 2,989 books on my TBR...

...added 87 books I couldn't resist...

...removed 387 books I no longer wanted to read...

...and DNF-ed 23 books I lost interest in...

...Plus I read a total of 234 books from the TBR...(a total of 357 books read if I include the chapter books Eleanor and I read together.)

...On 12-31-21: I am ending the year with 2,526 books on my TBR!

That's a reduction of 463 books.

I made progress and that is all that matters.

Is your TBR a problem for you? If so, join me and track your weekly progress too. Here's to more reading in 2022.

Happy Reading and Happy New Year!

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