Tuesday, March 6, 2018

Lord Help Me...

I probably should take my weakness a little more seriously, because it will be a monetary issue otherwise, but I can not seem to pass up a book sale. It is simply not in my genetic make-up to do so.


  1. Amazon sent me a notification on Kindle with a subject of "Need new reading?" or something like that. Amazon, you should know how many unread kindle books I have....though I've winnowed down the list these first two months.

    1. Right?? I mean, come on. They own Goodreads, you'd think they know better than to ask...

  2. The last thing I need to see right now is another book sale...luckily the genres I read don't generally feature in their sales or things could get to critical mass!

    1. Yeah...sales are bad. I don't even want to tell you how many I just purchased tonight for my daughter at our school book fair. You'll see on Saturday with my Stacking the Shelves post! ...And I ordered a few for her on Amazon that are arriving Friday. It's a disease. I am physically in capable f stopping myself.

  3. I got the Smashwords Read An eBook Week sale e-mail a few days ago. I managed to limit myself to just two books that were free, but I didn't really Need them!

    1. You're a much adultier adult than I am! I don't do well with limiting myself - I can pretty much talk myself into always getting "just one more".


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