Friday, August 2, 2024


Heyo, nothing fancy again today. Yesterday I posted quick about how we had a really terrible storm on Wednesday with category two hurricane force winds. 90,000 people are still without power, which is down from the 218,000 who lost it on Wednesday. For some parts of the city they are anticipating it could take up to eight days to restore power. This is the biggest outage our city has ever had and the destruction is crazy. The oldest parts of Omaha are the hardest hit because of the massive old trees that have fallen onto power lines. I worry so much about the elderly and those who have medical needs that require electricity either to keep meds cold or to run medical equipment. It’s supposed to be in the 90s today through Monday.

I am so incredibly thankful that our power came back on last night and everything in the freezer is still good! This is a huge relief.

Our Internet is still out so I am on my phone instead of my laptop. For some reason, blogger is not letting me comment on my own blog, or anyone else’s. This makes no sense since I am obviously logged in, seeing as how I am posting.

I’ll just look at this as God’s way of telling me to just keep reading. Please keep our city in your prayers, happy thoughts, good juju, whatever it is that you believe.

Happy Reading!



  1. SO glad you have power back... But you're right, there's people out there without power who need it for a HOST of reasons. Best JuJu to your city!!

    1. Thank you!! It came on at first for about 15 seconds and I was so excited...and the it went out again. About 30 minutes later it came on for good, but I did not celebrate or even move a muscle for about the first 15 minutes, lol.

  2. I'm glad you have power. We went without for 5 days with Hurrican Beryl.

    1. Were you able to save any food?! That's so awful. This was the biggest outage we've had collectively, but the last big outage in I think 2021, we personally didn't have it for 3 or 4 days but for some it was much longer.

  3. You and your city will be in my thoughts. Stay strong!

    1. Thank you! Nearly everyone now has power back. But for the 45 still without, I feel terribly for them. That's ten days now.


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