Sunday, August 4, 2024

Only a Little UUUGGGGHHH Now

Still can’t comment on my own blog or anyone else's and our internet is still out. The internet thing wouldn’t be such a big deal if I didn’t need to access my work email, since I go back for teacher work days starting Wednesday. Eleanor and I came to the library so I could try connecting here but my district has our devices locked up so tight, it won’t connect to any public networks. So that’s…awesome.

I am, however, incredibly grateful to even have power. Last time we had a big storm like this, our complex didn’t have power for several days. Driving through the neighborhoods and seeing the devastation is awful. The older neighborhoods in Omaha are the ones mainly without power at this point, given the heavy tree loss and damage done to power lines because of that. 31,000 still without power in the city, 38,000 in the service area overall.

Basically all Eleanor and I have done the last few days has been building giant blanket forts in the living room, watching Friends, doing science experiments, and reading. So really, stuff we would already do. But more fun because we aren’t also trying to watch TikToks at the same time.

Happy Reading!



  1. Gosh, that's worse than my predicament, I have lots of problems with blogger at the moment but I have a way of working around it, though it's not ideal and I don't know how long that is going to last. Your alternative programme sounds great but I hope it won't have to last too long.

    1. I still don't understand why I couldn't comment but now with Internet access I can be on my laptop, thank goodness! Watching the comments pile up was stressful because it takes ages to respond and visit.

    2. If we could understand even half of the obstacles the internet throws our way, we'd have an easier life. And I'm just using it for private tasks.

  2. Sorry to hear! I hope your area is able to recover quickly. Having been walloped by a tornado back in 2023 I know the feeling of having to scrounge around for working WIFI, though in my case I didn't have the additional obstacle of a locked-down device!

    1. There's still a ton of damage, but power has been restored to all except about 45. But the stormw as July 31st and they're going on ten days without power. I can't even imagine. Old massive trees were literally snapped in half and tons of homes still have fallen trees on them.

  3. Such a stressful way to end your summer!

    1. Very! But luckily my mom arrived Tuesday and it's been so much better. Work days started Wednesday though, and Eleanor is now a 6th grader, in MIDDLE SCHOOL *cries in a not cool way*

    2. Ummm how is she a 6th grader? This can't be!

    3. I keep saying that to myself, every single day. She's such a little adult already :'(


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