Saturday, August 10, 2024

Stacking the Shelves #299

Stacking the Shelves is a weekly feature hosted by Reading Reality. It is a chance to showcase all the goodies you've collected throughout the week, whether they're bought on-line or in-store, an ARC or a final copy, borrowed from a friend or the library, physical or digital, etc

Library Treasures

Author/Pub/Marketing Gifts

NetGalley ARCs

Happy Reading


  1. So.... It's been a while.... and I've been to my Indie shop. It was warmer than I expected, so when I got there I was hot, sweaty and sneezing... Not exactly book-buying fit.... So I only bought 11. Plus a few more that I picked up along the ways. I don't think that *most* will appeal and most are fiction, so... Good Luck!


    The Unexpected Joy of the Ordinary by Catherine Gray
    The Unexpected Joy of Being Single by Catherine Gray
    The Warrior and the Prophet - The Epic Story of the Brothers Who Led the Native American Resistance by Peter Cozzens
    Secret Britain - A Journey Through the Second World War's Hidden Bases and Battlegrounds by Sinclair McKay
    How the Right Lost its Mind by Charles J Sykes


    The Fox From His Lair by Max Hennessy
    Eden by Tim Lebbon
    American Sherlocks - Stories from the Golden Age of the American Detective edited by Nick Rennison
    The End of the Affair by Graham Greene
    The Whisper in Darkness by H P Lovecraft
    The Horror in the Museum by H P Lovecraft
    The English Fuhrer by Rory Clements
    Harlem Shuffle by Colson Whitehead
    Outlawed by Anna North
    Viking Fire by Justin Hill

  2. Only 11, lol. I might like How the Right Lost Its Mind, but I am also so sick of their garbage that I don't even care.

    1. It was an impulse buy. I've seen the guy speak and he's pretty switched on about things. But I have been to the Mall today (to see the new Aliens film) and came home with a 'few' more books... [grin]

    2. That's cool. It's nice when the author actually knows what he or she is talking about, instead of just ranting.

      Our definitions of 'few' are not the same, lol


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