Saturday, August 31, 2024

Eleanor Reads! July & Augest Edition

Each month Eleanor and I share the chapter books we read. We've been reading chapter books since before Kindergarten and her attention span as a four year old was definitely something to brag about. Eleanor was born a reader and that makes my heart so, so happy.

Currently Reading Together

Read Together

Currently Reading Independently*

Eleanor's Independent Reads

Eleanor's Rereads

Eleanor's DNFs

Do the kiddos in your life have an interest in any of these?

Happy Reading,
Eleanor and Sarah


  1. Replies
    1. It makes me so happy to see her continue to love reading and exploring new genres. A couple books are for classes and she's super into YA now - she's even taking a class called YA Lit - so I will have TONS of recs for her!


Thanks for visiting my little book nook. I love talking books so leave a comment and let's chat!