Thursday, August 1, 2024


So this post won’t be anything fancy because I am on my phone. I had posts almost ready to go for yesterday and just needed to add some other titles that I finished for my usual end of the month wrap-ups.

Instead, this big storm came in with category one and two hurricane force winds. We lost power pretty quickly, so that’s great. Still don’t have it back this morning. The photos of the damage are astounding. Trees just ripped right out of the ground. And because so many trees and huge limbs are down, that has made it harder for the crews to get where they need to go to restore power.

Really hoping it is back soon because I JUST got groceries on Monday 😢

Eleanor had to go with her father today so once again literally all I will be doing is reading. For once there’s really nothing else I can do since the power is out. So, there always an upside!

Happy Reading!



  1. I DO hope that things are back to normal SOON! As upsides go, being forced to do nothing else but read is up there! Hope your groceries survived!!

    1. Can't complain about the reading - especially because I was conserving my phone battery and portable charger and so not messing around on TikTok. We lost everything in the fridge, but the freezer was still good. I was more worried about that because I just bought quite a bit of beef, chicken, and pork chops. With school starting, I try to get enough groceries to last a few weeks because Eleanor and I are both so tired at the beginning of the school year that major grocery shopping is the last thing we want to do.

  2. I wish you it will get back soon!!!


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