Thursday, February 15, 2024

Books From The Backlog #60


Books from the Backlog, hosted by Carole's Random Life in Books, is a fun way to feature some of those neglected books sitting on your shelf unread.

I am featuring books in the order that they were added to my Goodreads To-Read shelf, so sometimes there will be a couple weeks in a row of books on the same topic.

Neglected Book of the Week

Why did I add 1314 Bannockburn to my TBR?

Because I love Scotland.

Have you read this book, or is it somewhere on your TBR? If you've read it, would you recommend it to others?

Happy Reading!


  1. I've read about this battle, but not this book. Hope you find it fascinating when you get the chance.

    Sophia Rose

  2. I've recently gotten my husband back into reading, and he's really digging some historical fiction. I'm not sure I could get him back to nonfiction just yet, but you know I'll be reaching out to you for recommendations!


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