Friday, February 16, 2024

Recovering, Sort Of

Just another little update about the whole gallbladder thing. Everything that has been posted since last week was already queued up prior, and I will make sure to respond to all the comments and visit everyone who has come around while I've been resting.

Ideally I would have been able to stay home for three full weeks to recover. Unfortunately I do not have enough sick days, which means I went back to work this last Monday - eight days after surgery. Gross, right? But hey, that's 'Murica for you. I ended up staying home both Tuesday and today because of pain. Luckily I have my follow-up on Monday.

That's all for now. Enjoy the weekend, I hope you get lots of reading time in!

Happy Reading


  1. I'm so sorry you're still in pain! Hopefully after your followup you'll be able to start to get some relief soon.

    1. Feeling SO MUCH better now, thank goodness. It'll be three weeks on Sunday.

  2. I think that you need to move to *anywhere* in Europe... Or Australia/New Zealand..... Or Scandinavia.... Or.....

    Get Well... SOON!!!

    1. Every single day I wish that I had given birth to Eleanor in Scotland. For MANY reasons!

  3. Oh my goodness, Sarah! I'm so sorry you are having such an experience. Do whatever you need to do to heal soon.


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