Monday, February 12, 2024

Monday Meme #27

I am reviving this little feature after eight years. You might see a couple recycled from when I did this in 2016, but they were funny then and they are still funny now. Occasionally they will be more introspective or comforting. No matter what, they will be about reading and books.

True story. But the real problem is that I am a big mood reader. That's why Goodreads shows I am currently reading 54 books. And I really am, in various states of progression. But I will definitely get distracted by whatever I pick up at the library this week.

Happy Reading!


  1. *FIFTY FOUR*..... [lol] TWO is my limit... THREE at the extreme! True though... Even if I'm already reading something, or multiple somethings, I'm still drawn to any *new* books I pick up... [lol]

    1. That's my problem...the new books come in at the library and the older ones get shoved to the bottom of the pile. It's a problem. OH! And the ARCs...

  2. And one is my limit. I choose what I will read pretty carefully and once I start a book, it's a monogamous relationship...until I finish and move on to the next one!

    1. I just can't. I even tried just keeping it to those currently on my Currently Reading list, but new ones just came in from the library, so that fell apart really quickly.

  3. Catch-22.
    I read at least five books at the same time. I have the feeling, I get to read more.

    1. I feel like I read way more. There's a big difference between not being interested in the moment, and losing total interest completely. I just flit from one book to the next and eventually finish them all.

    2. I keep telling that to people who can't believe how much I read - not as much as you, though, but we all have our limits.

    3. Reading is my therapy though, I am an anomaly I think! I will drop everything else when Eleanor is gone, just to make sure the time goes by as quickly as possible.

    4. That is true for me, as well. I would never have survived twenty years in a country where everybody seemed to hate me for where I come from if I hadn't had my books.

    5. Didn't I mention it before? We lived in the Netherlands and they hate us. Even today. My kids were called Nazis by other kids. And that is just one example.

    6. I remember you talking about living there, what an awful experience. I'm so sorry for you and your kids. And glad you're not living there anymore!

    7. The worst twenty years of my life.

    8. It wasn't my favorite city to visit, I can't imagine having to live there under that strain of people being awful all the time.

    9. Well, it's not as bad in the larger cities since there are a lot of foreigners living there. But in the countryside and especially in the South, it is really bad.

    10. That makes sense. Sorry that happened to you, glad you're not there anymore.


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