Tuesday, February 7, 2023

Tackling the TBR Week 5 | Feb 1 - Feb 7, 2023

Here we go!

This is year FIVE of Tackling the TBR and I finally have things sort-of under control. My ultimate goal is to get under 500 books, but I also have to be realistic - just think of all the books not even written yet that I will want to read. When I started this mess  I was at well over 5,000 books on the TBR, so to be where I am now is pretty incredible.

I will post on the 7th, 14th, 21st, and last day of the month.

Prevous Week's TBR Total: 2,301

Currently Reading

Books Read

Books DNFed:

Books Added to TBR: 0

Books Removed from TBR: 

Duplicates Removed: 

New TBR Total: 2,301

Happy Reading!


  1. You are doing great! I am unofficially tackling the TBR. I have been checking out books from the library that have been on my TBR the longest. While I don't always get to them before they go back it's a great start. Of course, I am CONSTANTLY adding books to the TBR...sigh.

    1. Thank you! I am really trying this year - and being suuuuuuper selective about what I even put on my TBR. Of course, I always outwit myself, and started a sub-TBR on my phone of books I MUST read, but have not added to Goodreads. I am a mess, lol.

  2. What did you think about SPARE? I'm toying with the idea of listening to it.

    1. I LOVED it. I am happy that Harry got out, and protects Megan the way Diana should have been protected. It's not the best book I have ever read, but it feels raw and honest. Maybe he should have waited until he and Megan were through this and out the other side, since there is still constant reporting on the rifts in the family, but it's out so nothing to be done now.

    2. Good to know. I'll request a copy from the library!

    3. Let me know what you think when you're done! Does he narrate it? I could listen to him talk for hours.


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