Saturday, December 31, 2022

2022 Reading Goals Revisited

I kept my goals super chill in 2022, and it was a major relief. I read what I wanted, when I wanted, and did not worry about anything else. But also I failed big time on one and I have accepted the fact that I may never get caught up on reviews.

If you have been around a while, you also know that the last half of 2022 was really hard for our family - my great uncle was killed out on the family farm and the investigation is on-going, still. No new information since October, and it is devastating. Then within a week of Eleanor and I returning from Minnesota in the aftermath of Uncle Dennis's death, Eleanor broke her arm at recess - makes dance really difficult when you can't use your arm! Thank goodness it was her left though, and it could have been so much worse. Full break of the ulna and partial fracture of the radius. Then a couple weeks after this, my grandpa had a stroke and came within hours of passing. We are so blessed that he has been recovering and is regaining his strength. He's not physically 100% and we don't know if he will be again but he is mentally himself - lots of stories and jokes and teasing.

As a result of all of this, blogging has not been important. I cope with stress by reading, so I read a shit-ton and pushed reviews to the side. They were not my priority, and I am not sorry at all.

Besides, blogging is fun and I want it to stay that way. When this becomes a chore, yikes. I don't ever want to think about that happening.

Here were my 2022 goals...

1. Read 250 books - this is down from 275 last year. When Eleanor and I read a book together now, they are on the longer side and then means less reading time for myself. I don't mind that one bit, and will gladly read out loud to baby girl as long as she wants me to!

GOAL MET - I read a total of 339 books. Of this total, 35 were chapter books with Eleanor. The majority of the books were real chapter books, though there were several from the Who Is/Was/What Is/Was series, which we love but are on the shorter side. Even so, I beat my goal of 250 by 54 books. Yay me.

2. Reduce my TBR to less than 2,300 books - In 2021 my goal was to reduce it to less than 2,500 and I did not quite make it. This will be  bigger focus again this year, weeding out the books I am no longer interested, while also reading books on my TBR instead of grabbing so many new ones from the library.

SO CLOSE! - As of this writing on Saturday morning, December 31st, my current TBR is 2,372. Things could be a lot worse and I am at least counting this as a partial win because in all honesty I didn't think I would get this close.

3. Reduce my Upcoming Reviews to less than 150 - I's worth a try? I am growing more and more concerned that this will never happen. I have culled the list many times for books I am no longer interested in reviewing. I am also a lot more selective about books that even go on the list. I am also trying to get more comfortable doing 'Review Bomb' and 'Mini Reviews' posts.

GINORMOUS FAIL - and I don't even care. The list has ballooned up to probably 300, given the last couple months. Oh, well! They'll get done when they get done.

Do you set reading goals for yourselves? If so, let me know how yu did!

Happy New Year and Happy Reading!

Best of the Best | My 5-Star Reads of 2022

Here we are, the end of another year for some really fantastic reads. I read a ton both for myself and with Eleanor. I am including those books as well, because Eleanor and I have read some great ones. You'll find my usual non-fiction goodies, and YA deliciousness. In fact, there is a TON of YA. When going over the list, I found I had tons of four star reads for non-fiction, but YA thrillers is where it was at for me in 2022. Here they are, in no particular order.

My Reads

Reads with Eleanor

Have you read any of these, or are they on your TBR? Any catch your eye for 2023? Let me know!

Happy Reading!