Saturday, September 14, 2024

Stacking the Shelves #304

Stacking the Shelves is a weekly feature hosted by Reading Reality. It is a chance to showcase all the goodies you've collected throughout the week, whether they're bought on-line or in-store, an ARC or a final copy, borrowed from a friend or the library, physical or digital, etc

Library Treasures

Happy Reading


  1. Those first 5 books sound like scary Halloween stories. Enjoy!

    1. The Asylum series ended up being a dud for me. It was listed as YA, but was definitely written more closely to middle grade. Court of Shadows and Tombs of Ancients are book 2 and 3 in the House of Furies trilogy and were AMAZING. I ended up DNF-ing The Book of Living Secrets because it just wasn't hooking me. Plus the author had the characters picking our dresses for the Sadie Hawkins dance, and that is not a dance that people wear dresses to, so someone did not do their research.

  2. Sorry..... [grin]

    So... Mall trip, as you know. But.... only 4 non-fiction books.... Unfortunately you might like a few of them.

    The Great Transformation - The Political and Economic Origins of Our Time by Karl Polanyi
    Alexandria - The City that Changed the World by Islam Issa
    The Story of Scandinavia - From the Vikings to Social Democracy by Stein Ringen
    A Travel Guide to the Middle Ages - The World Through Medieval Eyes by Anthony Bale

    1. Uuuuuggggghhhhhhh. You're the worst. lol.

      You're also lucky; my library has Alexandria and the Middle Ages book, so they don't have to ever go on my TBR because I will be getting them ASAP. The Scandinavia one, however, I have to put on the TBR.

      I'm surprised there are only four, to be honest...

    2. They were all full price (boo, sucks) so I was being good. Plus I went there (the Mall) for clothes, so I was being good.... [grin]

  3. Shadowlands was really enjoyable! Or at least, I thought so. :D Hope you enjoy it too!

    My weekly roundup.

  4. That's a big haul! I enjoyed reading The Mystery Guest 😊

    Have a great weekend!

    Emily @ Budget Tales Book Blog
    My post:

    1. It was ok for me, but I liked the first one better. I probably won't continue the series but would still recommend the first one to others for sure. Happy Reading!

  5. Looks like you are bingeing an author/series. I hope you enjoy all of these!! Happy reading :)

    1. Shadows and Ancients were fantastic; they're part fo the House of Furies trilogy. The others were not so great, unfortunately. But still a good haul!

  6. What a bunch of delightfully creepy covers.

    1. I do love a good, creepy cover. Shadows and Ancients were fantastic! They're part of the House of Furies trilogy.

  7. How are you enjoying Nita Prose's books? I think they're so fun


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