Thursday, December 31, 2020

Tackling the TBR Year-In-Review | 2020


I've now completed two years of Tackling the TBR, trying to get my list under control. Even though the gains were not nearly as massive as last year, I am still so incredibly happy with the progress made and can't believe that I am finally coming in under 3k books!

1-1-20: I started the year with 3,165 books on my TBR...

...added 362 books I couldn't resist...

...removed 204 books (this is not entirely accurate, I removed a bunch of books in October but lost count!)  I no longer wanted to read...

...and DNF-ed 25 books I lost interest in...

...Plus I read a total of 281 books from the TBR...

...On 12-31-20: I am ending the year with 2,989 books on my TBR!

That's a reduction of 176 books.

I made progress and that is all that matters.

Is your TBR a problem for you? If so, join me and track your weekly progress too. Here's to more reading in 2021.

Happy Reading and Happy New Year!


  1. 176 books is GOOD progress. I can only DREAM of being that effective in reducing my TBR! [lol]

    1. My first year (2019) I reduced the TBR by 1500! But I am happy that I reduced it at all this year, considering how many new books I added when literally all we did all day from March-August was read and get books from curbside pick-up

    2. I don't even WANT to know how big my TBR is - just my already owned physical book pile is pretty intimidating, never mind my ever growing Amazon Wish List! I know I'll die with books unread. The only question is 'How Many?'

    3. I was talking about that very idea with my pastor last year, about how there are so many books already out that I want to read, never mind all the ones that will be published in the future that I will want. I was so sad I was going to die without reading any. He just kind of smiled and said, "Sarah, what do you think Heaven is going to look like for you?" I instantly felt much better.

      I don't do full reviews on Goodreads anymore, but I do use it keep track of my TBR.

    4. Your Pastor sounds pretty cool... [grin] ...and knows you really well! [lol]

    5. He really is cool, Eleanor and I are so lucky to have him and his wife (who is also a pastor at our church) in our lives. He's also the only person who I know 100% never judges me when I get ragey and furious oand accepts me just as I am. (I mean, I know my friends don't judge me, they know what I am like and they signed on for this a long time ago, lol, but it is a whole different level when it is your pastor!)


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