Saturday, December 25, 2021

Top10of2K21 Post #1 | Books I Wish I'd Made Time to Read in 2021


Here we go, my first post for Top10of2K21! If you want to participate, or see what others are saying, click the banner to go to Kimberly's blog.

I am a mood reader, bigtime, so there are not really any books I am frustrated with myself for not getting to yet. I pretty much just add books  to my TBR as I discover new ones and when I get to them, I get to them. (NOTE: Unless the authors are Dan Jones, Karen McManus, Courtney Summers, Tiffany D. Jackson, or Hannah Capin. Their stuff gets read immediately.)

Here are ten books that I added to my TBR this year that I will be some point. But I am still excited about!

There you have it. Are there any reads you meant to get to this year, but didn't? Let me know!

Happy Reading,


  1. Merry Christmas Sarah. I hope you & kiddo are having a FUN one.

    As to books I *meant* to read this year.... Erm, ALL of them... [rotflmao] SO many books... SO MANY.....

    1. Merry Christmas, CK!

      If I had the time and patience, then yes all 2500+ book covers would grace this post. But even I have to narrow it down somewhat, lol

  2. I think my sister read that How to Argue with a Racist this past year and said it was good. I sign up for too many blog tours and then the review books I get cancel out time for the books I choose on my own. But I have narrowed down my reviews to only books I really want to read, so it's not like I don't enjoy those too. lol Glad you're participating! Can't wait to see all your posts!

    1. I've placed it on hold at the library and am looking forward to it.

      I have been working really hard to narrow down the reviews I actually WANT to write, beyond those I will (almost) always write for books from publishers, authors, and/or NetGalley. It is a hard process and takes way longer than I would like, but someday I won't need a whole page for 'Upcoming Reviews'. I hope...

      I am so glad you posted about these end-of-year lists. It's so much fun to look back and 365ish days of (mostly) glorious reading.

  3. Looks like an interesting assortment of books. I hope you enjoy them when you get a chance to read them.

    1. I've managed to read one already and will be starting another here soon, so this is something I might actually make progress on!


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