Wednesday, April 17, 2024

Would You Rather... | #30

I began posting this back in 2018 and thought I would bring it back, given that my motivation to blog has returned with force. You might recognize some from prior use, but I am changing up which ones are paired together to give a variety of choices.

There's no real criteria or guidelines. Choose the nook you would love most if given a choice, justify it however you'd like.

Nook A

Nook B

Which one do you love most?

Happy Reading!


  1. EASY, peesy this week! Definitely Nook A....!! Although I DO hope that more, bigger, better stocked bookshelves are nearby!! [grin]

    1. This one is actually kind of tough for me. A is almost too big, though I love the windows. I might pick B just for the coziness.

  2. I'm actually torn on this one. From an aesthetic perspective, I much prefer nook b. But from a sheer, which one would I rather read in, I think I'd go with nook a.

    1. I was torn as well. I love the big windows of A, but the coziness of B.


Thanks for visiting my little book nook. I love talking books so leave a comment and let's chat!