Thursday, June 13, 2024

ARCs Update #1

So yesterday I did this thing, trying to get as many of my ARCs done while Eleanor has to be away with her father for a week. I also stupidly put June 11th on the banner because that is the day Eleanor had to leave, but I didn't finish any ARCs that day. But I have too much reading to do, so I'm not remaking it.

Here's how it is going so far:



Not Started

Some of the ones that are in-progress have been for a WHILE. I started with the idea of just getting the fiction done first, but now I think I will have to vary between fiction and non-fiction, otherwise I will get bored and quit. And I don't want to do that. It's hard enough ignoring the library books right now.

Wish me luck! Or laugh because I have no shelf control.

Happy Reading!


  1. Gun Barons sounds fun, especially in connection to the old west.

  2. You're making great progress already!

    1. Definitly trying!! I will have a few more done today for my next update. Yesterday did not go as planned. I ended up with a migraine on Thursday night and yesterday I was so exhausted from said migraine the day before, I only finish one book. But today is going to be much better! I'll have another update this evening.


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