Monday, June 11, 2018

There Is No Tired Like VBS-Week Tired...

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...except "teacher in the first week of school" tired. THAT takes the cake for 'most tired humans ever'.

This week is, as you may have guessed, Vacation Bible School. Our church holds our VBS in the evenings, so working parents can still bring their children and take part in a fun-filled week of activities, games, crafts, and fellowship.

I am a crew leader, which means I am responsible for a small group of children, and taking them around to the different stations, helping them learn about God, and/or grow in their faith. It is exhausting, but it is also pretty amazing. The insights adults can gain from listening to little ones about God and Jesus are pretty great - it is awesome to see how their minds work and process it all.

That being said, I will be a bit scarce this week due to VBS starting last night. I will make sure to reply to comments from First Line Friday on the 8th, and Stacking the Shelves on the 9th. I will do my best to get to everyone's blogs to see their posts as well. I will try to have a "Would You Rather...?" up on Wednesday, but I can make no promises. So, if you feel compelled to, please say a few prayers this week for all the kiddos coming to grow their faith, or learn about Jesus for the first time. Thank you!

Happy Reading!


  1. We at the library are just two weeks into our nine-week span of DAILY activities, from petting zoos to magic shows and crafts, so you have my sympathies. I don't deal with the kids directly, but I'm close enough to the front lines to wince.

    1. Yes..interesting enough one at a time, but put a bunch of them together and it's a madhouse.

    2. Oh goodness, yes the libraries are hopping right now too - tons of stuff going on all around the city for the Summer Reading Program. I think there are 10-12 branches here altogether and there are tons of activities going on every day at every single one.

  2. Good luck with VBS this week!

    1. Thank you! It's been fun and I have a really good group. Last night we had a tornado touch down about five miles away, which was a little harrowing, but all is well and we have tonight through Thursday left.

    2. Yikes! That would add a bit of drama to the proceedings! :)

    3. Yeah, my phone was buzzing all night with tornado alerts and then flash flooding alerts. But there was a beautiful sunset once the storms dissipated and some really cool, funky clouds.


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