Friday, June 29, 2018

Well, Crap!

My laptop is dying, after only three years. I'm on my phone at the moment, but it is difficult to post much this way. Hopefully all my data - thousands of baby pictures of my girl, and my book!! - can be saved, and a new hard drive installed. Until then, I won't be posting much, which absolutely guts me. But I will be responding to all comments as soon as I can, thank you!

Happy Reading!


  1. Laptops are tricky buggers. I hope you get things sorted soon.

    1. And it is only three years old :'( But I have a new hard drive and am up and running again!

  2. Total crap :-(
    Fingers crossed you get it sorted soon. And your book - eeek!

    1. I am so lucky that it wasn't a total crash, and it started warning me ahead of time that it was going to die by, well, starting to die, haha. I have been looking through my folders and it looks like everything is here. Whew!

  3. That sucks Sarah. I hope you can save all the stuff, especially with so much work put into your book..

    1. Thank you Chuckles. The hard drive was dying, but Jason was able to save everything before it crashed completely, and so far it looks like everything is here, what a relief! I have been handwriting notes before typing them into my draft, so I at least had those, but I am so so thankful I do not have to re-type anything!

  4. Oh, no! I hope you're able to rescue your information!!

    1. YES!! All rescued, safe and sound. Thank goodness that the hard drive did not just crash completely. Everything was recovered!

  5. Ack! Hope the laptop whoas get settled soon for you.

    1. Thank you!! I am typing on it as we speak...type...whatever :) So far so good, and everything seems to be here. I am so relieved.


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