Monday, August 31, 2020

Special Feature | Eleanor Reads! August Edition

It will come as a surprise to literally no one that Eleanor and I have both done a pretty solid amount of reading when school closed in March due to COVID-19. School has started now, so our reading might slow a bit but it will never stop.

Each month I will share the chapter books we've read for the month. It is fun to look back on everything we've read. We've been reading chapter books since before Kindergarten and her attention span as a four year old was definitely something to brag about. Eleanor was born a reader and that makes my heart so, so happy.

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18693761 18693589 30555523 53028879. sx318 sy475 20821272 22571618 23398631 410304 The Sword in the Grotto (Araminta Spookie, #2) 6370305 24875966 25853066 25616564. sx318 19966263 29807521. sx318 30408037

Do the kiddos in your life have an interest in any of these?

Happy Reading,
Eleanor and Sarah


  1. i'm really intrigued by "frognapped"; seems close to home, somehow... lol

    1. LOL! That series is a hoot and Eleanor and I love it. One of the characters has trained frogs that can do tricks, and they are stolen by accident, and have to be rescued.

  2. As always I'm blown away at the *quality* of kids books these days. If they'd been around when I was Eleanor's age I'd have been a TOTAL bookworm long before I actually was!! Brilliant....!

    1. YES! I am so thankful that she has been a reader since before she was born. I was reading 'Where the Wild Things Are' to her every day and night starting when she was six months in utero. After she was born, she knew the story and it was so amazing to watch her always turn her head toward me when I was reading because she recognized it.

  3. I love that you both are able to share your love of reading together. How is school? Hopefully you are still doing distance learning? My mom decided it just isn't safe for her and will be retiring after 33 years of teaching. Not how she wanted to go out, but I'm glad she is doing what is best for her.

    1. I am also glad she is a reader - I have no idea what I would do with a child who doesn't like to read!

      School is going surprisingly well. There are daily tech glitches but we are managing and getting used to it all. I am sorry to hear that your mom retired, I completely understand about this not being how she wanted to end her career. Still, I am glad she was able to retire and in a position that it was possible to do so. I feel so terribly for those who can't retire, even though working is not safe for them. We are fully remote for the first quarter of the school year, so through mid-October...just in time for flu season. I am hoping that if we do go back, it is not until after Christmas break.

    2. It sounds like your district is really taking a cautious approach. Hopefully they'll reconsider their plan when October comes. I just wish our Texas area schools would be as cautious.

    3. Yep, our superintendent is not messing around with any of this. I am hoping that we are remote for the second quarter as well, since we know flu season is also coming. What are the districts around you doing?

  4. Once again, a shout out to amazing reader Eleanor!


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