Saturday, September 19, 2020

Stacking the Shelves #112


Stacking the Shelves is a weekly feature co-hosted by Tynga's Reviews and Reading Reality. It is a chance to showcase all the goodies you've collected throughout the week, whether they're bought on-line or in-store, an ARC or a final copy, borrowed from a friend or the library, physical or digital, etc.


Gift From Author/Publisher
Unmuted: Stories of Courage and Resilience from the GenPRIDE Community by [GenPRIDE]

Library Treasures
45493566. sy475 21490991 17428880
Brown Girl Dreaming  

Happy Reading!


  1. A 'few' more this week!


    The Scorched Earth by Rachael Blok
    A Minute to Midnight by David Baldacci
    The Best of Our Spies by Alex Gerlis
    The Swiss Spy by Alex Gerlis
    The Berlin Spies by Alex Gerlis


    The Virago Book of Women Travellers edited by Mary Morris with Larry O'Connor
    Dresden - The Fire and the Darkness by Sinclair McKay

    1. I actually thought you'd be more interested in the Women Travellers...

    2. I actually missed it completely when I saw 'Dresden'. Yes, both please! :)

  2. I like a good light hearted mystery once in a while to dispel some of the heaviness going on. Looks like worthy read all.

    1. Mercy Watts is perfect for that! It's a fun series with quirky characters but none that are like, forced into that quirkiness. Like, it does not distract from the story or seem like the author is trying to hard. It is the only cozy mystery series I have continued reading. Ever.

    2. I haven't read a cozy in sooo long... I was enjoying the Country Club series by Julie Mulhern (set in Kansas City in the 70's) bit I got behind...

    3. Back in I think 2016, I got super behind on my Goodreads goal for the year so I started snagging all the free cozies I found on Amazon via BookBub. I ended up being like, ten books shot maybe, and I read all the way up until 11:59 PM. That's how I discovered Mercy - and I HATED the first book because she takes a trip to Lincoln to visit the University of Nebraska for a case and it was just all wrong and annoyed me. But I was kind of into her not-cousin Chuck, who is a police detective, so I kept reading. I am glad I did because the rest of the series has been great. And the first book is probably better than I give it credit for but still, at least know the city you're talking about before writing about it. There is no Denny's in Lincoln. (There are other things too, I'm not THAT picky. Except I am, but whatever.)

  3. Jonathon Swift: His Life and His World... Leo Damrosch... i'm almost finished with it: enlightening and informative...

  4. Nothing new in this week. Reading is going great though!

    1. Good to hear! Our entire library system was closed last week to prepare for the re-opening of a few branches this week, so I will probably have very few, if any.

  5. we had hurricane sally come through and just got power back, so not much else to talk about
    sherry @ fundinmental

  6. So many good books available for reading. I did add several to my Kindle queue this week. I struggle to keep up with my reading and with my reviews. But the "struggle" is pure pleasure.

    1. I struggle too...I am 200+ reviews behind! Still, I keep reading and have practically given up on timely reviews except for those dates asked for by authors/publicists/etc. It is quite a joy to have the "problem" of too many books.

    2. 200! Wow - and I thought I was bad with 11-12!! [rotflmao]

    3. I definitely let things get waaaaaaay out of control a couple years ago. Reading is how I de-stress and my teaching position at the time was incredibly stressful for a number of reasons, including a terrible admin and her cronies who out to get me for something I did not do and had no knowledge of. As a result, I read and read and read, but did not review nearly as much and now here we are, lol. Luckily I now have a teaching position that I love, away from the chaos of that forever administration and I am happy and love teaching again. The review list is daunting, but those books deserve proper reviews and they will get them. It's a very good thing that I take lots of notes when I read!


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