Sunday, November 14, 2021

Publicist Gift | How to Walk with Steve


I received a free physical copy of this book from the author's publicist in exchange for an honest review.

Rating ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

One of the most moving, traumatic, beautiful, tragic memoirs I have ever read.

Fromberg's writing style drew me in immediately; I am such a sucker for stream-of-consciousness fiction by certain authors (obviously Hannah Capin) but believe me when I say it works superbly here as well in non-fiction. It create the exact atmosphere for the reader to feel as closely as possible what it must have been like to live through these experiences, all the chaos and uncertainty. It also helped further that feeling with the story written in short vignettes, like scenes in a play almost. We see this one thing happen, then off to the next, unsure if what happened previously will be resolved before the book ends.

Throughout we learn of Fromberg's life first growing up in Peoria, Illinois. He lives with his parents, functioning as both addicts and artists, if functioning can even be the right word. He also has a younger brother, Steve, who was Autistic, and before reading this I could only imagine how hard life was for a family in the 70s with a child on the spectrum. It's overwhelming even now, in 2021, despite all the services and resources available to families today. As a special education teacher, sometimes even I am overwhelmed with how to best ensure that my students on the Spectrum are getting all of their needs met and that they are set up as best as possible for success. With the added chaos of  their parents' addiction, Robert bears much responsibility, far more than he ever should have been asked to at a young age.

The author is examining his life, holding it up to the light as he comes to realizations and makes connections right along with the reader. His tone is conversational and he is nothing but very, very honest. He introduces readers to some of the most traumatic moments in his life as he sometimes simply struggled to survive.

But it's not all terrible. There are beautiful moments too. Moments that you feel so deeply, because of how he has brought you to this window into his life. It sometimes feels are if you reliving the moment with him.

We also see the every-day things that occurred, things one might consider unimportant in the grand scheme of things, yet it was often those moments that became so critical, because we feel time and again what the author felt at that particular point.

it is without a doubt a rollercoaster of emotions packed into a slim volume, but there is one thing that is always certain, that never falters: Robert's absolute and unconditional love for Steve.

An extraordinary work of art, highly recommended.


  1. I like the comment about autism that was in a recent book that I read. When the father was advised that his son was "on the spectrum," he replied, "We are all on the spectrum; that's what a spectrum is." I try to always remember that.

  2. Thank you for sharing. This is so moving.


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