Thursday, May 2, 2024

First Line Friday # 179

First Line Friday is a weekly feature and simple to do - grab the book nearest you and post the first line. Carrie hosts this over on her blog Reading is my Superpower.

There are no nuclear power stations in Belarus. Of the functioning stations in the territory of the former USSR, the ones closest to Belarus are of the old Soviet-designed RMBK type. To the north, the Ignalinsk station, to the east, the Smolensk station, and to the south, Chernobyl.

Happy Reading!


  1. Must read about Chernobyl at some point... I remember it well.

    "All children, except one, grow up."

    'Peter Pan' by J M Barrie

    1. I have a few to recommend if you want them.

      Only as an adult have I realized Peter Pan was the villain.


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