Saturday, May 11, 2024

Stacking the Shelves #288

Stacking the Shelves is a weekly feature hosted by Reading Reality. It is a chance to showcase all the goodies you've collected throughout the week, whether they're bought on-line or in-store, an ARC or a final copy, borrowed from a friend or the library, physical or digital, etc

Pub Gift via NetGalley

NetGalley ARCs

Library Treasures

Happy Reading


  1. Interesting looking books. They look quite dark. I hope that you enjoy them when you get to them!

    Have a great weekend!

    Emily @ Budget Tales Book Blog
    My post:

    1. I didn't realize they were all so murder-y until you pointed it out, lol

  2. I agree with Emily that those titles do seem on the dark side. Not necessarily my favorite kind of book but I strive to keep my reading horizons as broad as possible.

    1. I laughed after I saw both of your comments because I didn't realize how murder-y everything was that week until you both said so.

  3. We've had some nice (AKA dry) weather here, so MALL trip!! Which means.....


    Sharpe's Command by Bernard Cornwell


    The Earth Transformed - An Untold History by Peter Frankopan
    Humanly Possible - The Great Humanist Experiment in Living by Sarah Bakewell
    Ultra-Processed People - Why Do We All Eat Stuff That Isn't Food... and Why Can't We Stop? by Chris Van Tulleken
    Spies - The Epic Intelligence War Between East and West by Calder Walton

    1. We've had crazy storms and tons of rain and flash flooding recently. Last week a co-worker was driving back home to get ready for work after the gym and suddenly the road flooded. Her car started floating and she had to escape through the window. The ground is absolutely water-logged. But everything will be nice and green and colorful when it all drives out a bit.

  4. Great covers and I love the title Here Lies A Vengeful Bitch.


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