Saturday, February 15, 2025

Mini ARCs Challenge

So our lives have pretty much been a whirlwind since December. The show choir season officially kicked off for Eleanor, with her team showcase before Christmas break. Plus she is takes guitar/vocal lessons and had her winter season performance at the beginning of February. She's at her music school two nights per week, and would live there if she could.

Then of course we have school, dr appts, ortho appts, and we're both terribly sick. Eleanor missed this entire week of school and we were even in the ER Tuesday night into Wednesday morning. She has all the symptoms of influenza, yet every major test (Covid, influenza a and b, strep, RSV) came back negative. And she has an ear infection on top of whatever this is. 

I started feeling not so great last night and am definitely sick now. Such a bummer, because I really thought it had skipped me. On the bright side, I don't have all the symptoms she did/does, only the stuffy nose and sometimes sore throat and cough.

Anyway, all of this is to say that blog activity has suffered greatly. From the start of the year I planned to no longer rely on weekly memes for blog content. I did that last year accidentally, and ended up writing almost no reviews.

One of my 2025 goals is to get this backlog of ARC reviews under control. So I am doing a quick mini challenge for myself this long weekend. My goal is to write at least five new ARC reviews by Monday evening. I have not decided which books yet, because apparently I am also a mood-reviewer in addition to being a mood reader.

Wish me luck!


  1. We're in the middle of flu and cold season. Hope you get better soon.

    1. Thank you! I was really hoping I would make it through the school year without getting sick. I almost always get a cold in the fall and it didn't happen this year. I was almost in the clear, then BOOM!

    2. Hope both you and kiddo are feeling better!

    3. Thank you! We ended up having Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday off because of dangerously cold temps, so only had school Friday. We are mostly better, just trying to shake the cough now.


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