Saturday, March 1, 2025

Ten Years!

So this blog has officially existed for ten of February 22nd. Oops.

Those first couple years' worth of posts are so embarassing. Part of me wants to go back and edit everything, but then the record of growth would be altered and I don't want that.

I've always blogged for myself because I like talking about what I read. I'm lucky that eventually other people wanted to read what I was saying.

Thanks for sticking around and reading books with me for so long!

Happy Reading


  1. **Happy** 10th Birthday...!!!!! Kind of.... I SO know what you mean about old posts [cringe]. The desire to edit is STRONG... [lol]

    My milestone is in October. Been wondering what to do in celebration........ [still musing]

    1. SO STRONG!! I didn't know what I was doing at all. At least now I sort of know what I am doing?

      Obviously the way to celebrate is to miss it completely like I did, lol

  2. Happy Blogoversary! 10 years is awesome. :D

  3. Congratulations. That is an accomplishment to be proud of.

  4. YAY!! Congrats on 10 years! That is amazing :)

  5. Happy Anniversary! Ten years is an achievement. After that, I keep forgetting my anniversary. I'll try hard this year. LOL
    I started blogging for former members of my book club and still do that, but I get most of it, so you could say, we all blog for ourselves.

    1. I remembered at the beginning of February and promptly forgot until the beginning of March, lol.

    2. Happens to me all the time. Welcome to the club. LOL

  6. Happy Blogoversary! Ten years is an accomplishment!!

  7. Congrats on 10 Years! Isn’t it wild how time zooms by? I’m thrilled to have stumbled upon your blog and cherish the friendship we’ve built. I can’t wait to see what the next decade has in store for us!

    1. Yes!! I basically read throughout my entire pregnancy because I had just moved to a new city right before I became pregnant with Eleanor, so I didn't know anyone outside of work and wasn't feeling super social. But once my girl was born, I didn't pick up a book for like, three years. And that's also when I started the blog.

      I am SO thankful we met! I don't even remember how it happened, but I'm glad it did. Isn't it funny that once you've been talking with someone for a while, it just seems like they've always been around? Here's to the next ten years for us!


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