Thursday, January 25, 2024

Spell the Month in Books | January

I am FINALLY getting around to this one, which is hosted by Jana @ Reviews from the Stacks. I have seen Marianne do this one forever and keep saying I would start...and then forget because, well, I don't know.

It's really easy. Just find book titles which spell the month in question. Jana does post optional themes for the months, if you like having that guide. I will not be using them, as themes are usually harder to do with non-fiction.









All of these are from my TBR, so hopefully it is yet another way for me to focus on that.

Happy Reading!


  1. Replies
    1. Hopefully the library has most of them, because I only own the JFK one!

  2. Some great books there, Sarah. I always omit "a" or "the", so I have "an Unfinished moment" under U (which I haven't read, yet). LOL.
    I quite understand that you don't use the theme, it is hard sometimes, maybe worse with non-fiction, I don't know. Personally, I find it easier to not re-use the same books again and again. And it gives us a good opportunity to look at books again that we might have forgotten.

    1. I went through and pulled books from my To-Read shelf on Goodreads and have all 12 posts already queued, with no repeats. It was kind of fun searching through 2K+ books, lol. TTT gets tough also sometimes, so many are better fits for fiction than non.

    2. Then you did do the challenge as Jana posted them. Because this month, it is all "New" which can be TBR books. And you managed well with non-fiction ones.
      TTT gets worse for me, as well, since I have used so many of the books already and the topics repeat itself.

    3. True, but not intentionally. All 12 posts are books from my TBR. I am going to focus on reading them this year so they are off my shelves for next year's round.


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