Thursday, July 4, 2024

Happy 4th...I Guess?

It's kind of hard to be excited about a day celebrating a bunch of mediocre white men who didn't want to pay their taxes, considering the fact that we are headed straight for a dictatorship in November. But, this is one of my favorite memes so, here you go!


  1. Things *might* work out.... Maybe.... Plus if 'he' does get back in, it'll certainly teach all of those who think that voting is pointless a VERY valuable lesson - you know, if you ever get the right to vote back....

    1. That's my concern - once Hitler was in power, no one got to vote until after he died. Not comparing this doofus to Hitler, but that aspect of losing voting access is scary. If our votes didn't matter, they wouldn't be working so hard to control who CAN vote. Gerrymandering has been out of control for decades.

    2. I do, too. Because the last time around, it opened a flood of similar politicians coming to power. And the problem with this is, while trump is an idiot who has no idea how the government works, those people do and they're getting all kinds of legilation pushed through at all levels of government.

  2. Let us do everything in our power to ensure that that "dictatorship" doesn't come to pass. We owe that to George Washington, John Adams, Thomas Jefferson and all the rest of that era and all the eras since that have fought to keep us free..

    1. Working on it! It's so disheartening but we have to fight this clusterfuck.

  3. I think right now you'd be better off under the old system. ;)

    1. You know, it would not be the worst thing. I am not particularly fond of Charles at all (I will love Diana forever and ever), nor William, but compared to our current options, I am willing to accept them.

    2. Compared to your current options, almost everything is an improvement.

    3. Plus William's kiddos are a hoot, they crack me up.

    4. Totally. Especially little Louis.

    5. Yes! I love when Charlotte tries to keep him in line and he just does whatever he wants.

    6. Why should he be different from any other boy?

    7. That's what makes it so funny. George and Charlotte listened during their media/event training and Louis is just living his best life.


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