Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Would You Rather... | #44

I began posting this back in 2018 and thought I would bring it back, given that my motivation to blog has returned with force. You might recognize some from prior use, but I am changing up which ones are paired together to give a variety of choices.

There's no real criteria or guidelines. Choose the nook you would love most if given a choice, justify it however you'd like.

Nook A

Nook B

Which one do you love most?

Happy Reading!


  1. They both look inviting but not very comfortable to read at. But Nook B looks cozier, so I choose that one.

    1. Too much light for me and my migraines.

    2. Luckily light doesn't trigger my migraines. Definitely makes it worse when I have one, but I love the sunshine so much.

    3. You are very lucky. If I don't have a migraine, hot weather and sunshine gives me one, if I have one already (which is most of the time anyway), it gets worse. So, I hate summer.

    4. I can't imagine living with them constantly. Mine are so much better controlled now with my meds, but major stress trigger them no matter what. So then I take my emergency meds, which usually help, but not always.

    5. I can't tell you how you cope with having them constantly. But I have no choice. There are hardly any days where I don't have them. And for over sixty years now.

    6. Right, but it would be incredibly frustrating. I can't function when one comes on, even now that they're mostly under control. It's horrible. I could not deal with it every day.

    7. It is frustrating and I can't function well, either. As I said, I have no choice.

    8. Hopefully you will have relief at some point - there's so much research going on and I was reading a couple interesting studies not too long ago. An actual cure would be amazing, but treatment that works EVERY time one comes on would be the next best thing.

    9. I have gone through so many "new" remedies throughout the decades, most of them just helped some people from time to time. One of the problems is that there is hardly any research done into migraines itself because there are so many causes.

    10. There is quite a bit of research going on now actually, so hopefully something can be helpful in the future.

    11. Some of the studies are pretty interesting. I was reading about some having to do with brain and spinal fluid.

    12. The biggest problem is that there are so many different causes, so there can never be just the one solution.

    13. Yeah but if they get to a root cause for X amount, with something as important as brain and dpinal fluid, that's going to handle a decent amount.

    14. I'm optimistic. There's a lot going on. I don't think they'll ever cure every single cause, but hopefully they can cure many.

    15. I hope so, too, though I am sure it would be for the next generation. But I don't wish this on anybody else, so that's fine with me.

  2. A looks gorgeous but I feel like I'd get distracted - B looks lovely to curl up in and forget the world for a while with a book and a drink and some music

  3. I'll take Nook A, thank you very much. :-)


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